


本次上海车展上,G37双门跑车、2009款G系轿车、2009款M35高端豪华轿车及全新FX系列跑车型豪华SUV将悉数登场,并且自2008年9月上市以来便广受好评的EX35 Crossover也将在本次车展上推出最新的车型。据悉,2009款EX35的车内空间将进一步提升,增加了诸如主动式前大灯等众多人性化设备,从而为车主营造出更加舒适、温馨的驾乘环境。同时,2009款EX35还将新增英菲尼迪技术领先的智能巡航控制系统(ICC),其可通过车头的激光测距雷达锁定前车,并随前车的车速变化而自动加减速,以保持预设车距。必要时,智能巡航控制系统还能自动采取预制动措施,从而有效规避追尾危险。

自去年广州车展上发布新品牌口号“新灵感 心动力“以来,英菲尼迪明显加快了新品引进的步伐,凭借新一代全系产品,独特的豪华服务理念及不断完善的经销服务体系,英菲尼迪必将在未来成长为引领中国豪华车市场的新生力量。

Infiniti Luxury Cars Feast

Infiniti has brought a new generation of full-line luxury models under its flag, all of which are the new and full series of Infiniti models to be exhibited in China at the first time. 

At the AUTO SHANGHAI 2009, G37 double-door sport car, 09 style G series sedan, 09 style M35 model high-end luxury car and the brand new FX series of luxury sport car SUV will all come on the stage, and the newest launched 09 style EX35 Crossover, which has been well received since its coming into the market in last September, will also be displayed on the show. It is reported that the internal space of 09 style EX35 car will be further expanded with an increase of many user-friendly equipment such as active headlights etc. so as to create a more comfortable and warmer driving environment for the vehicle owners. At the same time, 09 style EX35 car will be further added with an intelligent cruise control system (ICC) with Infiniti leading technology, and it can automatically determine the distance from the front car through the laser range-detecting radar to accelerate or decelerate the car according to the speed change of the front car in order to maintain the preset distance. If necessary, the intelligent cruise control system can automatically take braking measures in advance so as to effectively avoid the dangerous rear-end collision.
