Dr.Bernhart Wolfgang

Speaker of IAC 2013 Connected vehicles – capturing the value

作者:本网编辑 文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2013-11-19
Dr.Bernhart Wolfgang,Speaker of IAC 2013

Connected vehicles – capturing the value of data

Going forward connectivity is not optional - customers will expect to be always on – the race for securing the profits has begun. "Connected vehicle technology" creates new opportunities and profit pools – but also for 3rd parties.

Technology companies are building on their core competencies and threatening OEM margins and future revenues, since vehicle data can also be accessed by third parties to provide attractive "connected vehicle" services and solutions. OEMs need to provide seamlessly integrated solutions to be more attractive than 3rd parties – design and technology is crucial.

Big Data-based business requires specific competencies, OEMs have better vehicle access & domain knowledge than 3rd parties . With direct customer access new revenue and profit drivers along the value chain are possible. To secure them, OEMs need to make sure that they continue to own the user experience and that they own the data.
