
北汽集团将参展FISITA 2012世界汽车工程年会暨展览会

作者:AI汽车网 文章来源:纽伦堡会展服务(上海)有限公司 发布时间:2012-07-18
AI汽车网讯:北汽集团已经确定将于2012年11月27日-30日参加由FISITA世界汽车工程学会联盟、中国汽车工程学会主办、纽伦堡会展服务(上海)有限公司协办的FISITA 2012世界汽车工程年会暨展览会(FISITA2012年会)。


BAIC Group

展位号: B1-6

联系方式: 中文地址:北京市朝阳区东三环南路25号

电话:+86 (10) 6769 9888




北汽集团拥有北汽股份、北汽福田、北汽有限、北京奔驰、北京现代等多家整车企业,产品门类齐全,品牌丰富。集团产业链布局遍布全球,已实现国际化运营。目前集团产销规模排名全国第五、收入及利润排名行业第四、品牌价值位居第三(551.86亿元人民币),已形成健康的产业结构布局和良好的发展态势。北汽集团始终奉行“以人为本”的企业理念,不断致力于满足消费者、员工、合作伙伴的需求,曾多次荣获“年度最具影响力企业”“中国红十字勋章”、“社会责任优秀企业”、“装备中国功勋企业”、“CCTV60 年60 品牌”等荣誉称号,并在业内享有“越野世家”的美誉。


Profile of BAIC Group

BAIC Group Co., Ltd.-is a 100% state-owned large scale enterprise of Beijing government, and is one of the five biggest automobile groups of China. With more than 50 years history, BAIC Group headquarters in Beijing, the capital of China. BAIC Groupis the Beijing automobile industry center of strategic planning and capital operation, financial and risk control, operation management and resource allocation of. Currently, BAIC group has become an integrated and modernized automobile enterprise group with complete vehicle manufacturing as its core business, and with diversified development of R&D and components manufacturing, automobile service trade, education, investment and financing subsidiaries.

Complete vehicle manufacturing enterprises of BAIC are comprised of BAICMotor , Beiqi Foton, BAW, Beijing Benz and Beijing Hyundai. BAIC Group has realized international operation. Currently the production and sales of the group rank the fifth;, income and profit rank the fourth of the industry; brand value ranks the third in China(RMB 55.186 billion)A healthy industry structure and a good development trend have taken into shape. BAIC Group has always adhered to the enterprise concept of “People Oriented”. Constantly dedicated to satisfying the demand of consumers, employees and cooperative partners, it has, in many occasions, won honorable titles such as “the Most Influential Enterprise of the Year” , “the Model of Red Cross of China” , “Excellent Enterprise of Social Responsibility” and “Merit Enterprise of Armament China” and “CCTV 60 Nominated Brands over the past 60 years” , and enjoyed the honor of “off-road vehicle family” in the industry.

BAIC Group is an enterprise with ambition. During the “twelfth five year plan” period, following strategy of “innovating independently, developing in large scale, and building a powerful, large scale, internationalized and harmonious BAIC Group” , BAIC Group will strive to develop into a large scale automobile group of the first class in China with international competitive edge.
